Agudath Israel Cemetery

Cemetery Address:

6300 Hamilton Avenue
Rosedale, MD 21237

Owned & Managed By:
United Hebrew Cemetery Corporation of Rosedale

For cemetery questions, contact Steven Venick at (410) 486-8666.

Agudath Israel Cemetery is a traditional Orthodox Cemetery. The cemetery consists of single headstones varying in height from 24″ to 36″ in height. The matzevahs are mostly in Hebrew and the color of granite used in the Agudath is Light Grey. Markers, coping, corner posts, etc. are not permitted in the Agudath Israel Cemetery.

If there are other family members interred at Agudath Israel Cemetery, please contact us and we will look up the necessary information to match your memorial as close as possible.


Fram is not a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of any cemetery.

Agudath Israel Cemetery